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Welcome to Sherwood Lavender Farm U-Pick for 2017!

Pick a big bunch for only $10 of either True lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) for cooking, relaxation, sachets etc. or Lavandin (Lavandula intermedia) - perfect for keeping moths away from your clothes and for scenting soaps. New for 2017, we also have U-Pick Lemon balm - also called Melissa (Melissa officinalis) available! Melissa is fantastic for teas and cooking.

2017 U-Pick Dates

Spring 2017 has been very wet and cold here in Oregon, and the lavender started blooming much later this year:

  • As of May 11, we didn't even have flower buds yet!

  • As of June 15, we had a little color starting, so ...

  • We opened Wednesday, June 21.

We are currently scheduled to be open to the public for U-Pick lavender and U-Pick melissa (lemon balm) on the following dates:

  • Wednesday June 21 10-8pm

  • Saturday June 25 10-8 pm

  • Sunday June 26 10-8 pm

  • Saturday July 8 10-8 pm

  • Sunday July 9 10-7 pm

  • Saturday July 23: U-Pick 12-5

  • Sunday July 24: U-Pick 12-5


Professional Photographers must schedule 60-minute shoots. The fee is $50 fee per hour (waived with minimum U-Pick (5 bunches)) on the above days - some alternate evenings are available - shoots outside the above hours are $80 an hour. Please message us on Facebook or call to schedule with some options. 6-7 pm tends to be the best light!

You can view our current calendar here.

Our online store is now open with select merchandise. When we have honey or essential oil available, we will post it here!

Because we have toddlers and animals out in the lavender field, please do not stop by outside of open houses or appointment times. Thanks so much! Please note that this is a small rustic family owned and operated working farm. We have rough and uneven ground so you will need comfortable shoes and must be careful to avoid gopher and mole holes. We also have lots of bees, so please be aware of this if you are allergic to bees. Please closely monitor children - bees don't like it when kids try to catch them!

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